SACCOs to join in Kenya

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=””]Last updated 10/03/2024


We are some days into the new year, and I have one question, how is your saving journey going so far? 


It is still a rough year, but if you can get a few coins to spare, I still recommend putting them in a high-yield account. With time, your small coins will grow, enabling you to borrow or use them to buy assets. As the Swahili saying goes, “Haba na Haba hujaza kibaba”.


A Sacco is one of the best options to put your savings. Apart from saving, Saccos are an excellent credit avenue, with most allowing you to borrow up to three, four, or five times your savings. 


The big question, though, and one I have seen many people asking on social media pages, is what Sacco can one join? The truth is there are hundreds of Saccos at your disposal. Some are good, others are well, a ticking time bomb and one move away from sending members into a wild goose chase with the Saccos management for their savings.


So, how do you differentiate between the good and the ticking time bombs? And what are some of the top Saccos to join? Don’t worry. You have come to the right place! This article will shed some light on the key factors to consider when looking for a Sacco to join and a list of some of the Saccos to consider. 


Let’s get right into it!


Comparison Table
Sacco Minimum

Share Capital








Mobile Banking Mobile App
Tembo Sacco Kshs. 20,000 Ksh. 1,000 Kshs. 1,000 Yes Yes Yes
Nation Sacco Kshs. 25,000 Ksh. 1,000 Kshs. 2,000 Yes Yes Yes
Stima Sacco Kshs. 25,000 Ksh. 500 Kshs. 2,000 Yes Yes Yes
Jamii Sacco Kshs. 20,000 Kshs. 1,000 Kshs. 3,300 Yes Yes Yes
Harambee Sacco Kshs. 30,000 Kshs. 1,000 Kshs. 3,000 Yes Yes Yes
Maisha Bora Sacco Kshs. 35,000 Kshs. 2,000 Kshs. 1,600 Yes Yes Yes
Hazina Sacco Kshs. 16,000 Ksh. 1,000 Kshs. 1,000 Yes Yes Yes
Safaricom Sacco Ksh. 40,000 Ksh. 1,000 Kshs. 3,000 Yes Yes Yes


Young african woman money putting coins into a piggy bank


What To Consider Before Joining a Sacco 

While you do not have a 100% guarantee that the financial institution you’re saving or investing with is legit, you can take measures to reduce the chances of losing your hard-earned money. Just as you do your due diligence when joining any bank or investing in any venture, do the same when looking for a Sacco to join. Here are the key things to pay attention to:

  1. First, ensure that Sacco is registered with SASRA, which is the regulatory body. 
  2. The Saccos age – how old is the Sacco? Of course, it does not guarantee maximum protection of your savings, but a long-running Sacco might be more stable than one founded a few years or months ago. 
  3. The Saccos asset base – you are better off investing in a Sacco with a significant asset base. In the event of liquidation, the sale of assets can provide a cash base for refunds. 
  4. The Saccos core capital to total asset ratio and core capital to deposits ratio – according to regulations, Saccos must have a core capital to assets ratio of 10% and a core capital to deposits ratio of 8%
  5. Minimum share capital – some Saccos require as low as Kshs. 10,000 for the minimum share capital, while some have higher amounts, up to Kshs. 40,000. There are a few more Saccos that require less than Kshs. 10,000. Whichever option you go for, keep in mind that the share capital is non-refundable. If you were to leave the Sacco, you would only get back your minimum share capital if you transferred that money to another member and they paid you. The only accessible funds when leaving the Sacco are your member deposits (BOSA) and funds in your FOSA savings accounts. 
  6. Minimum contribution – besides the minimum share capital, which some Saccos allow you to spread over a couple of months, you also need to consider the minimum amount you need to contribute per month and what happens if you do not manage to contribute often.  
  7. Available products – think of other products or services offered by the Sacco, i.e., savings accounts, loans, and investment options. 
  8. Dividend and Rebate rates – the Saccos historic rates could be an excellent indication of how it has performed over the years. However, note that there is no guarantee that you will receive the same dividend or rebate rate the following year; it all depends on the previous year’s performance. Keep in mind that there will be two rates for the share capital (dividends) and member deposits (rebates), where the share capital’s dividend rate tends to be higher. 
  9. Loan interest rate and other repayment terms – how much interest does the Sacco offer for its credit lines? Consider the allowable repayment period for the available loans and the type of interest rate (fixed or variable). 
  10. Guarantors – what are the guarantor requirements? I can only advise you to join a Sacco where you know at least 3 people. This way, you can all guarantee each other when you take loans. Some Saccos are changing the rules where you can use two guarantors plus your savings. 
  11. Accessibility – not just the physical offices, but also an online presence with a reliable website, member portal, mobile banking, and even an app.
  12. Onboarding process – is there an online application form, or must you visit Sacco’s physical location?
  13. Leadership, including the composition of the board, the central management committee, and the management.
  14. Customer service – what are their current and previous members saying about the Sacco?


Read more in a related post: The Good and the Bad of Joining a SACCO


Man putting dollar banknote into piggy bank


Saccos To Consider Joining In Kenya 

There are numerous Saccos in Kenya that you can join. Some have been in existence for 30+ years while others are newly formed. You must take your time and do the necessary research. That said, below is a list of some of the top Saccos in Kenya, in no particular order.


1. Tembo Sacco

Registered in 1972, the Sacco started by serving members of EABL but has since evolved to open membership for everyone. Its offices are in Garden Estate Rd, but you do not have to be in Nairobi to save with them. 


I was referred by a friend (Hey, Njagi), and what caught my attention was the high dividend pay for share capital. In the last few years, Tembo paid a high dividend rate of 20%, including 2023. The minimum share capital is a bit high at Ksh. 20,000 (1000 shares at Ksh. 20 each). You will also have to pay a non-refundable registration fee of Ksh. 1,000. In addition to this, you must also pay a minimum fee of Ksh. 1,000 for a FOSA account. 


Tembo has paid an interest rate of 11.5% for the member deposits over the years, with a minimum monthly contribution of Ksh. 1,000. Member deposits are refundable, but you have to give a written notice to leave the Sacco. Other BOSA products include BOSA Special Savings Accounts and Benevolent Fund, an insurance policy to save for your demise or family member.


You can use several FOSA products to build your emergency kitty or save for your young ones. The FOSA Savings Account – recommended for your emergency fund, with a minimum monthly contribution of Ksh. 1000 and an annual interest rate of Ksh. 4%. If you are looking for a way to save for your kids, you can use the Tembo Junior Savings. It pays an annual interest of 8% with a minimum contribution of Ksh. 500. 


There are many credit lines available for short, medium, and long-term borrowings. A good example is the Jumbo Plus and Jumbo Loans which allow you to borrow 4 times your savings to a Normal Loan where you borrow 3 times your savings. So, if you have about Ksh. 100,000 savings in your Member/ Sacco Deposits account. You can borrow up to Ksh. 400,000 or Ksh. 300,000 with the Jumbo and Normal credit lines. Another product that I loved about their credit lines is the Boam Loan, a mortgage line that enables you to buy or build a home. This credit line allows you to borrow up to 5 times your savings and a repayment period of up to 180 months (15 years). 


Tembo has a mobile banking service you can use to deposit, withdraw, credit requests, pay loans, and other utilities. There is also an online portal you can use to access your statement. 



  • High dividend rates for share capital savings & member deposits 
  • Mobile banking, App, and an online platform
  • You can download the application form from their website



  1. High minimum share capital 
  2. High interest rates for some of the short-term credit lines, with some going as high as 6% and 12% per month
  3. The app is not available on iOS


2. Nation Sacco 

Nation DT-Sacco was registered in 1975 and has grown over the decades to accumulate an asset base of over Ksh. 3,500M (from the AGM Report). Its offices are along Moi Avenue. 


Its entrance fee is Ksh. 1,000. The minimum share capital is high, at Ksh 25,000, and a maximum shareholding of 1,000 shares. That’s a minimum of 250 shares and a maximum of Ksh. 100,000 at Ksh. 100 per share. From the available documents online, the Sacco paid a dividend of 20% on share capital contributions for the year 2023.


For the member deposits, the minimum monthly contribution is Ksh. 2,000 with a 60-day notice period to withdraw your savings. You can borrow up to 3 times your member deposits. The interest payment for member deposits was 11% for the year 2023.


To qualify for any loans, you need to save with the Sacco for at least 6 months and accumulate deposits of about Ksh. 12,000. However, you can access advances after a month of joining the Sacco. But, if you transfer your deposits from another Sacco to them, you are treated as a continuing member. 


The minimum operating amount for FOSA accounts is Ksh. 500. You can use this for your emergency savings, salary payments and advances, and other credit payments. If you are looking to fix money for a particular saving goal without using the non-withdrawable member deposits account, you can use the fixed deposit account. In fact, the money you save in this account can be your collateral against FOSA borrowings. Other saving products include accounts for juniors and Chamas and a Benevolent Fund.  


On borrowings, you can get credit from long-term to medium and short-term financing. Depending on the type of credit you want, you can expect to pay interest ranging from 12% to 15% per annum with a repayment period of up to 72 months. 


There is also a mobile banking service where you can make deposits, withdraw funds, borrow & make repayments, and even pay your utilities. 



  • You can join online by uploading the application form and other necessary documents to the website
  • Can transfer deposits from another Sacco
  • Offers an investment avenue to buy land for residential purposes through Nation Housing
  • Several credit lines for different projects, including a bridging loan for loan consolidation
  • Has an attractive divided return
  • Has mobile banking and an online portal



  • High share capital 
  • No available mobile app 


Related post 5 Important Things To Consider Before Taking A Loan


3. Stima Sacco

Stima Sacco is one of the most common and recommended Saccos in Kenya. It was founded in 1974 and has open membership for any Kenya of legal age. The Sacco has grown over the years and has a presence in several towns in Kenya. Unlike some of the Saccos with a presence in major towns and cities, Stima Sacco has offices in several other locations, like Kisumu, Eldoret, Embu, Mombasa, Meru, Kisii, and Naivasha. 


The joining fee is Ksh. 500. The minimum share capital is Ksh. 25,000 each, plus a minimum monthly contribution of Ksh. 1,000 for member deposits (Alpha Deposit). For the year 2022, it paid a dividend of 15% on share capital and 11% on member deposits. Others include the Prime Account, which operates like a bank’s current/transactional account, so it is basically a FOSA account. If you have over Ksh. 15,000 in this account, it will earn you an interest of 2%.  


What I like about Stima Saccos products is the Msingi Bora Account, a savings product for your kids. It has a term limit of 5 to 18 years and a minimum contribution of Ksh. 500 with an interest payment of 5% pa. After 3 years, you can borrow to pay fees, up to 75% of the fee amount, and use this account’s savings as a guarantee. 


There are several credit lines. The interest rates vary from 5% to 18.5%, depending on the product. Other products have an extended repayment period, some up to 72 months. In addition to the usual credit lines, Stima Sacco has a mortgage loan product that enables members to purchase residential homes or land to construct residential homes. 


Besides the credit lines, Stima Sacco has taken it a step further to provide other financial products. One of them is access to insurance products for its members. Its insurance agency, Mpawa provides coverage for auto, health, household, and last expenses, among others. The other additional product is investment opportunities through a fixed deposit, call deposit, and golden savings accounts.



  • You can register through their USSD or upload your application form online
  • Online portal to access your account
  • Mobile banking and an app on iOS and Android
  • High presence outside Nairobi
  • Low monthly contribution requirement
  • Offers Islamic finance
  • Has Diaspora services for Kenyans living abroad and agents in the USA and Australia so far
  • Has insurance products through the Mpawa Insurance Agency



  • High minimum share capital and member deposits 
  • High-interest rates for some loan products, as high as 18% for some of the loan products
  • The mobile app is not reliable 
  • The customer care could use some improvement


4. Jamii Sacco 

It was registered in 1972 as a savings vehicle for civil servants but has grown to open membership. The offices are in South B, close to Mater Hospital. 


The entrance fee is Ksh. 1,000 and a monthly contribution of Ksh 3,300, where Ksh. 300 goes to your Benevolent Fund. The minimum share capital is Ksh. 20,000, i.e. 1,000 shares with a par value of Ksh. 20 per share and an initial deposit of Ksh. 1,000 when joining. You can spread the rest of the contributions over the next 18 months with a Ksh. 500 monthly contribution.  It also allows you to transfer from another Sacco and enjoy immediate benefits, like access to credit facilities.


You can borrow against your member deposits up to 3, 4, and 5 times, depending on the type of credit line you need. While some credits are only available if you have been saving with the Sacco for 3 or 6 months, you can transfer your deposits from another SACCO and access credits immediately. The transfer treats you like an existing member of the Sacco. 


The Sacco paid a dividend and interest payout of 13% and 9% for share capital and member deposits for the year 2022. For the year 2023, the Sacco paid a dividend and interest payout of 13% and 10% for share capital and member deposits.


The different FOSA products allow you to save for various short-term goals, like emergencies, school fees, or holidays. For instance, if you want to start saving for your kids education and maybe build them a savings fund to set them up for life when they are older, you can use their Jamii Junior Savings Account. Another interesting savings account is the FOSA Special Savings Account, which is different from the BOSA Deposits account. The Special Savings Account is a fixed deposit kind of account with tiered interest rates. You can also use the savings in this account as collateral for borrowings. 


You can also access other credit lines such as emergency loans, loans for school fees, Chama loans, and financing for different projects and developments. One of the credit lines for assets is the asset finance loan. It allows members to access credit of up to Kshs. 15M with a term limit of up to 10 years to buy commercial and residential land.



  • Mobile banking, a mobile app, and an online platform 
  • Has a non-interest-attracting credit line for Muslims 
  • Has an online portal 
  • Offers an investment avenue to buy land for residential purposes through Jamii Housing



  • Customer care service is wanting (and I am speaking from experience) 
  • The mobile app is not available for iOS
  • Doesn’t offer an online application to join


5. Harambee Sacco

Harambee DT Sacco ranks among the long-running Sacco institutions in the country. Founded back in 1969 as a mere merry-go-round group — this is why I tell you there’s no limit to your table banking group’s growth — it has since grown to have over 65K members with an asset base of over 32B, and a presence in several locations, including Nairobi, Kisumu, Mombasa, Nakuru, Eldoret, and Nanyuki. 


To join the Sacco, you will pay a membership fee of Kshs. 1,000 and a monthly minimum contribution of Kshs. 3,000 for the member deposits account. The minimum share capital is Kshs. 30,000. In addition to this, there is a monthly payment of Kshs. 300, which goes to the loan protection program or sink fund. This is a benevolent fund that covers you against sad events, like death and permanent disability. It also acts like your life insurance for doubling your savings and paying the money to your beneficiaries.  


The dividends and rebates are not disappointing. In the financial year 2022, Harambee Sacco paid dividends at the rate of 10% and rebates at the rate of 8%. For the year 2023, Harambee Sacco has just announced a 12% dividend payout and an 8.5% rebate on interest deposits. 


On available products, Harambee Sacco offers several savings and credit lines. Starting us of with the savings options is the BOSA savings (member deposits). With FOSA Savings, they offer a fixed deposit account, a Toto Junior Account, and a salary account. 


For credit lines, there is the usual BOSA credit, which is up to 3 or 4 times your BOSA Savings. FOSA loans are short and medium-term, like salary advance, M-Boosta to access quick facility on your mobile, and an emergency loan, among others. They also offer a credit line to boost your shares with the Shares Boost Advance loan. 


Harambee Sacco also offers mortgage facilities. The Harambee Home Loan is available to its members to purchase a single residential home The second mortgage line is the Harambee Jenga Loan, where members can access credit to construct a single residential home. The mortgage lines have a longer term of up to 25 years. The rates are quite friendly as far as I have seen, with an 8% and 9% rate for borrowing of less than 10 years and over 10-year repayments consecutively.


Finally, it has an insurance agency that acts as an intermediary with several reputable insurance companies. With this, members can access several insurance products, including medical, domestic package, personal accident, travel, professional indemnity, and education as well as pension accounts. 



  • You can join online 
  • You can pay your share capital in installments 
  • Has an online portal



  • Has a high share capital requirement
  • The dividend and rebate rates are usually lower compared to some competitors 
  • The minimum monthly contribution increases to Kshs. 5,000 if you want to access credit of more than Kshs. 1,000,000.
  • The mortgage limits are low with the maximum loan amount being Kshs. 4,000,000
  • There is no app


6. Maisha Bora Sacco

Maisha Bora was founded in 1974 as a savings scheme by a small group of employees at Unilever. Back then, it was called Kimbo Sacco. Since then, the group has grown to accommodate members who were not employees of the company and rebranded to the current name, Maisha Bora Sacco. It has also managed to grow its asset base to 4.8B, as of 2022 financials. 


Member registration is available with a member registration fee of Kshs. 2,000 and Kshs. 1,000 for share capital. The minimum share capital is 1,750 shares, i.e., Kshs. 35,000. The Sacco also allows for transfer from another Sacco where you will be treated as a full member. That means you will be eligible for all benefits, including immediate access to credit lines. 


The Sacco has been paying competitive dividends and rebate returns over the years. For the financial year 2023, it has paid dividends and rebates of 15% and 10% respectively.


One of the savings options is the share deposits, which are non-withdrawable but refundable with a minimum monthly contribution of Kshs. 1,500. You can use these funds as collateral for your borrowings. Another savings vehicle is the BOSA account, which has a monthly minimum contribution of Kshs. 1,000 and can also be used as collateral. Besides these, you can also save for various projects or purposes using their fixed deposit, junior savers, and holiday accounts, among others. 


For loan products, there is a FOSA loan, Boreasha Makao for buying household items, a development loan for buying assets or starting a business, emergency loans, and auto financing among others. Additionally, you can transfer your bank loan to Maisha Bora Sacco using their Karibu Nyumbani, allowing you to get a lower interest rate than what your bank offers. 


Finally, on credit facilities, they offer a mortgage Boma Imara loan. It has a repayment period of up to 180 months (15 years). You can borrow up to 7 times your savings with a maximum limit of Kshs. 20M. 



  • Online application process
  • Has mobile banking, an app, and an online portal 
  • Has an interest-free insurance loan for auto, home, and business coverage 
  • The mortgage line has a significant limit of Kshs. 20M
  • Offers bonus when you reinvest your dividends and interest returns



  • The returns are a bit lower compared to competitors 
  • Doesn’t have an app for iOS 
  • Has a high minimum share capital 
  • Has a high joining fee


7. Hazina Sacco

Hazina Sacco has been in existence since 1971. While its initial membership was from the then Ministry of Finance and Planning, it has allowed membership from individuals in other government bodies and private sectors. 


The membership fee for joining the Sacco is Kshs. 1,000 and a minimum monthly contribution of Kshs. 1,000 of 5% of your basic income, whichever is higher. The minimum share capital is Kshs. 16,000, repayable within the first 12 months of your membership and a subsequent annual contribution of Kshs. 1,000. Additionally, you must also contribute a monthly amount of Kshs. 200, which goes into a welfare fund. This is a benevolent fund, acting like life insurance, and covers the death of a principal member, the spouse, 2 kids/year, and biological parents. 


Its returns are not disappointing. Hazina Sacco just announced its 2023 dividend and interest payout for the year 2023 of 17% and 10.8%.


The Sacco offers FOSA and BOSA savings and credit lines. Its FOSA savings accounts include a fixed deposit and a Jewel Savings account for your child. There are several BOSA loans where you can borrow up to 4.5 or 5 times your savings. These include emergency, development/normal, and school fees loans.  


On services, they offer mobile banking, an app, and an online portal. Additionally, you can apply for membership online.  



  • Has an online application process
  • Has high returns for dividends and deposits 
  • Provides mobile banking, an app, and an online portal
  • Has low minimum share capital requirement 



  • The credit lines are limited compared to other competitors 
  • I found it difficult to access some of the information on their website, especially their financial reports 
  • Their app isn’t available on iOS


8. Safaricom Sacco

While many of the Sacco’s on this list have been in existence for 40+ years, Safaricom Sacco has been operating since 2001. It started with a small membership of 222 and has grown to a membership of 18,000 members and an asset base of Kshs. 10B. 


It allows membership from employees of Safaricom, their spouses, and children who are 18+ years old, people introduced by members of the Sacco, and employees from other corporate institutions. 


To join, you need to pay a membership fee of Kshs. 1,000 and a minimum monthly contribution of Kshs. 3,000. The minimum share capital is 400 shares, each selling at Kshs. 100, i.e., a minimum share capital of Kshs. 40,000. 


It offers several FOSA and BOSA savings accounts. With the former, you have savings accounts like a Salary account, Holiday, and Junior’s account. For BOSA, you have the usual Member Deposits account and a Benevolent account that’s voluntary. 


What are the returns? According to its resolution for 2022, its board recommended a dividend payout of 14% and a rebate on member deposits of 9%. For FY 2023, Safaricom Sacco just announced a 14% dividend payout on share capital and 9% interest on member deposits.


For credit products, they have several, too. A good example is the auto loan and the Land Loan that enables members to purchase land parcels. It also offers a long-term credit line, Fanikisha Loan for developing residential and commercial buildings or starting a business. Their credit limits are also quite significant, with some credit lines having a maximum of up to Kshs. 30M.


In addition to these credit lines, Safaricom Sacco also has a mortgage product, Faraji Ready Homes Loan. Members can borrow up to 9 times their member deposits with a maximum limit of Kshs. 10,500,000. It has a repayment period of up to 300 months (25 years). Additionally, they buy off your mortgage from your bank. 



  • Share capital is payable in installments within 12 months of joining 
  • Offers mobile banking, internet banking, and an app on Google Play Store and Apple Store



  • Their minimum share capital is high compared to competitors 
  • Some online services, like the online application and member portal, were not working as of writing this article


9. Mhasibu Sacco

Mhasibu Sacco was founded by ICPAK (Institute of Certified Public Accountants) to provide a saving avenue and affordable loans for its members back in 1986. Since then, it has opened its membership beyond accounting professionals to accommodate members from other professions. Their membership is also open to students pursuing accounting degrees or certification, spouses and children of their members, and registered groups and corporations. 


The returns are also not disappointing. For the year 2022, the Sacco paid a dividend and interest payout of 15% and 8.25% for share capital and member deposits. 


The membership registration fee for individuals is Kshs. 1,000. The minimum share capital is Kshs. 10,000. There is a minimum monthly contribution of Kshs. 1,650. In addition to this, members must pay an annual amount of KSh. 1,800, which goes to the risk fund (benevolent fund). This fund caters to a member’s last expense where a payment of KSh. 150,000 is made to pay for burial arrangements. It also helps ensure that upon a member’s demise or disability, the insurance will pay off their active loan.


On loan products, Mhasibu Sacco offers a mix of short, medium, and long-term loans with the ability to borrow up to 8 times your deposits plus share capital depending on the credit line. Besides the usual normal and asset loans, Mhasibu offers a multi-loan with a limit of up to KSh. 10M. This credit line allows members to access credit on a need basis. Besides this, they also offer a mortgage line with 100% financing and a repayment period of up to 15 years where you can borrow up to 8 times your savings. 



  • Offers low minimum share capital requirements
  • Has an online portal, an app, and USSD for ease of access
  • You can register online 
  • Has branches outside Nairobi in Mombasa and Kisumu
  • No penalties for clearing your loan early 



  • The app is not available on iOS 
  • The mortgage is only available for ready units 
  • I found it difficult to access financials 


10. Kimisitu Sacco

Founded in 1985, Kisimitu Sacco has a history of 38+ years. What started as a group for ICRAF staff has grown to a membership of over 13K and an asset base of over KSh. 8B. Their membership is open to employees of NGOs, embassies, international organizations, foreign missions, and other reputable institutions. Additionally, spouses and children of their members are also allowed to register. 


The Sacco has been paying attractive returns over the years with dividends on share capital and interest on member deposits averaging about 15% and 8% in the last few years. 


To become a member, you must pay an entrance fee of KSh. 1,000 and an initial minimum share capital of KSh. 5,000. However, note that the Ksh. 5,000 is the initial amount you need for your share capital. The total minimum share capital the Sacco requires is Ksh. 30,000, which you can pay gradually over 25 months. This makes it easier for you to top up your share capital depending on your financial capability. The minimum monthly contribution is Ksh. 2,000. 


Like the other Saccos on the list, you get a variety of savings and loan products. Some of the key savings accounts include Little Angel Savings, which you can use to save for your kids with a low opening and minimum balance of KSh. 500. They also offer a fixed deposit savings account, where you can also use funds in this account as collateral for a loan. 


There are also numerous loan products, including instant, emergency agriculture, and insurance loans. Kimisitu Sacco has also not been left behind in terms of providing a mortgage credit line. Their Makao Halisi loan has a significant limit of up to KSh. 30M and a repayment period of up to 180 months, allowing members to buy and build residential and commercial properties. 


In addition to savings and loan products, Kimisitu has an insurance agency, which is a subsidiary of the Sacco and is regulated by the IRA (Insurance Regulatory Authority). It offers several products, including home, medical, auto, fire & related perils, and last expense insurance policies. 



  • Allows payment of share capital over an extended period
  • Has an online portal, an app, and USSD for ease of access
  • You can register online as a member
  • Conducts member education sessions across regions 



  • The app on iOS can be unreliable  
  • The minimum share capital is high
  • Returns on member deposits are lower compared to some competitors 


Final Word

The Saccos in this list fall in either the large-tier or medium-tier. These are just a few Saccos to keep in mind. There are others you can join but do your due diligence, even on the ones suggested here. Some companies have workplace Saccos, but it’s important to ensure that your employer’s Sacco has a solid financial and membership base. If your employer closes shop, there is a high likelihood of the Sacco not surviving unless it has an open membership policy. You do not have to go far to search for examples; Gurudumu and Nitunze Saccos, where employees of Sameer Africa and Mumias Sugar channeled their savings, are great examples.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”9px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1534771917857{padding-top: 10px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]





    April 16, 2021

    Great insights. Thank you

  • August 16, 2022

    Very nice ❤️.will the sacco return my share capital and the money I save when I want to exit the sacco.?

      • December 28, 2023

        Hello, what about borrowing against your savings in a Sacco, does that mean you need guarantors or the loan will be given within your savings .and if so will they multiply by 3,4 depending with a Sacco. Say you have like 100000k in your savings


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