Are you living paycheck-to-paycheck? Possibly drowning in a never-ending cycle of debt? Would you get by for a month or two if you lost your job? Or, if you had an unplanned and pressing expenditure, are digital loans or borrowing
I have started using one of my accounts as a sinking fund savings vehicle. Why? Because I am terrible at money. Sometimes, not all the time. Yes, I set money aside for my pension and emergency funds. Some of my money
There is a debate I have seen a couple of times; Sacco vs Money Market Funds. There is one camp of Sacco proponents and another of MMFs, with each simply being against the other. I am not saying that each
Life comes at you fast and knocks you off balance when you least expect it. Financially, that means using and possibly exhausting your emergency fund. And there goes all the money you had set aside for a rainy day! I am
Last updated 24/08/2024 Did you know that close to 48% of Kenyan consumers face considerable financial stress? That’s according to Old Mutual’s financial services monitor 2024. While this doesn’t point specifically to emergency savings, it’s still an alarming statistic just how