
Guest Author


Be A Guest Author is open to receive guest posts for Personal Finance, Business Finance,  and Travel niches, as well as Book Reviews. 

Our aim is to become a one-stop-shop for finance and travel-related advice in the East Africa region. If you feel you have unique ideas for financial management for both individuals and businesses, or travel nuggets (travel guides/ travel on a budget), with detailed strategies and numbers, feel free to pitch your idea. 

Have a look at other posts and get a feel of the site’s tone. We’re relaxed, excited, and most of all, informative about financial literacy for individuals and SMEs. 

NOTE: We don’t allow paid links as contributed content. No link builders, SEO agencies, etc. will be allowed to contribute.
Guest Author
Note: We will publish submitted and approved articles under your name. Please ensure the name you’ve provided is real and not a pseudonym. If there’s a valid reason to publish anonymously, please let us know in advance.
But first, ensure you go through our guideline:

We’re looking for evergreen and original articles of at least 500-1000 words. However, we prefer content that’s over 1000 words, where possible. Ensure the content you’re pitching is not already covered. You can use the site’s search icon to check.

Please do not submit plagiarised content or articles you’ve published on other websites. Do not submit photos that are not yours, sourced from other websites or the internet, and you do not have full rights to. will not be liable for images you provide that don’t belong to you. Also, the images must be of high quality.

Your article needs to be useful to the reader. How will it show the reader how they can make money, save, budget, or manage their SME’s finances? We are looking for practical and actionable advice that can help the readers manage their finance- both individual and business. If it’s travel content, we’re looking for articles that advise the readers on the best places to travel, what sites they can visit, activities they can engage in, local cuisines they can try, and how to travel and enjoy it on a budget. Provide detailed instructions that the reader can follow and if possible, interview anyone with adequate advice to share with the readers. 

Types of Content We Are Looking For 
  • Personal Finance Guides
  • Business Finance Guides 
  • Success Stories 
  • Unique Job Ideas 
  • Travel on Budget Nuggets
  • Local Travel Guides
  • City Guides  
  • Adventure Travel Guides
  • Weekend Getaways 
  • Travel Itineraries 

We will discuss the payment details once your pitch is accepted. 

Note: Unless writes to you explicitly that we will be moving forward with your pitched ideas, with an agreed payment rate, you will not be entitled to any compensation for your pitched ideas/ submissions. In addition, we may already have plans or ideas in progress similar to yours, and we aren’t responsible for any similarities between our current or future actions or content with your pitch/submission: any such commonalities are entirely coincidental.