Holding a book, How to Become a Lifelong Financial Success by Manyara Kirago

It was a great switch-up to read a personal finance book from a Kenyan market perspective. So if you are looking for that, How to become a Lifelong Financial Success by Manyara Kirago is a great book. Especially if you are starting your finance journey.


Once I got into the mood—after setting the book aside for so many months—I finished it within a week. I could have finished it sooner were it not for work and binge-watching. All I am trying to say is that it is a short and fast read.


The author has covered all the important factors of personal finance planning, from setting your goals and saving to investing and managing your risks. The chapters on each of the topics are broad, honestly. The topic of investing, for example, dives into investment basics you must know, investment assets available in the Kenyan market, and how to set investment goals for yourself. He even touches on the get-rich-quick schemes, like the Ponzi schemes, forex trading, and sports betting. The topic of money management is quite extensive. I like the bit on debt management where the author lists debt options available in our market, like loan sharks and cooperative societies. These issues are common and have left many in dire financial situations. 


Honestly, though, the book could use a lot of editing. There is a lot of redundant content. In some instances, the content was repeated word for word. Or the repetition of issues like savings and retirement while on a different topic. Still on editing; there are grammatical and punctuation errors.


But these should not stop you from reading the book. It is a great introduction to personal finance. So, if you look past the editing and redundancy, you will learn something useful for your financial planning. Other recommendations as you start your financial journey are The Path, The Little Book of Common Sense Investing, The Psychology of Money, Why Women are Poorer Than Men, and Think Like a Breadwinner


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My ★ Rating 3.8

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